
Whole Food Plant Based Is Different Than Vegan

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Health Benefits Of Whole Foods Plant Based Nutrition 

There is a difference between doing " vegan whole foods plant based nutrition" way of life and being a vegan. It's similar but different. Those teaching classes in whole foods plant based nutrition vegan foods say isolated soy protein is vegan but it's a fragment not a whole soy food. Whole or the least processed soy foods examples are edamame, tempeh are two examples of whole soy foods. 

With whole foods plant based nutrition the focus or goal is whole foods also known as foods in their whole form or as close to their whole form as possible, non processed. With being vegan the goal is to eat all foods that don't contain meat, and vegan processed foods are accepted,  like oils which are very processed, it's not a whole food. Where as those into whole foods plant based nutrition try to avoid all oils because oil is a processed refined product.

The  success suggestion from experts is: with whole foods plant based nutrition it's not all or nothing. For long term success you want to pick foods wisely, you might divide things up so that 70 percent of your food is whole foods plant based and 20 percent might be some minimally processed foods like oil free whole grain breads, crisp, nuts and avocados, and 5 percent might be plant based more processed like some unsweetened plant milks, refined grains, no oil sauces and dressings and 3 percent might be some plant based junk food and 2 percent might be some standard junk food or meats, of course it won't include any animal products if you're already not eating that. And for folks who are not into a full switch to whole foods plant based nutrition there's some documentaries about folks in the blue zones, that shows people who's dietary intake is 5 percent or less of animal protein and the rest is whole foods plant based nutrition are having good health benefits from a way of eating they've been doing for centuries. 

The whole foods plant based nutrition advisers, professors, nurse, doctors and  teachers that I've taken classes from don't recommend animal products but they do encourage realistic approaches to making  changes to one's food intake to plant based nutrition for those folks attempting to do that. It's about meeting people where they are and achieving success in their goal to be fully  into whole foods plant based in food choices.

  There's something for everyone interested in the Whole Foods Plant-Based Nutrition way of life. And There's something for everyone who is interested in using plant-based nutrition as part of their healing or managing chronic illnesses, injuries and the like.

There are doctors who used tasty raw juices and raw foods for detox and maintaining the reversal of diseases.

There are doctors who've reversed diseases with a diet of " tasty Less protein whole foods plant based- nutrition they use a combination of raw whole foods and cooked foods the use lots of nuts and seeds

Also doctors who use tasty cooked foods and some raw whole foods, nutrition that is plant based with no added salt, oil or sugar and very little nuts and seeds to reverse heart disease and more.

Short List

This a short list of people below, there are many more amazing people doing great work in this area not listed, the list is long but not too long, there's still room for more doctors, nurses, nutritionist, massage threapist, acupuncturist and the many other health care professionals interested in this area of human health to get involved and encourage their colleagues and patients to improve their health with whole food  Plant-Based Nutrition. 


Dr. Milton Mills: Bone building do you need dairy? "Why Fiber And Calcium Are So Important And The Best Foods To Get Them"  YouTube


Dr. Montgomery is a cardiologist who is a pioneer, he changed his health and his patients health, eliminated diseases with raw juices plant based nutrition. 

Dr. Baxter Montgomery is saving lives with vegan food | Dr. Montgomery | Reverses Diabetes | Wellness Tips" on YouTube


Less Protein, More Plants - Dr. T. Colin Campbell"  Dr. Campbell Phd is also a pioneer  in whole foods plant-based nutrition  who uses cooked whole foods and some raw foods. Dr. Campbell has done years of research on the topic of relying on plants for human nutrition requirements. He has accessed many health studies that have been done and offers practical application of appropriate dietary practices based on science,  that he believes can help human beings improve their health and quality of life. His works is in essays, being featured in documentaries and numerous books as well as videos on 



 "No Oil -- Not Even Olive Oil! - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn MD" he is saving lives with whole foods  Plant-Based nutrition  YouTube


Plant-Based Science "6 Tweaks You Should Make To Your Diet!" This clip mentions totally plant based and those who very little meat 5 percent of their dietary intake or less


What We Know About Plant-Based Diets - Dr. Neal Barnard"  YouTube


PLANT BASED DIET VS VEGANISM - Dr Michael Greger" Author of "How Not To Die" his quote: "we all die, my book is about how not to die." Dying naturally without dietary induced diseases is better." YouTube


Kim Williams, MD, on Vegan Diets and Heart Health"  Dr. Kim Williams explaned how one of his patients inspired him to go whole foods plant based.


FAVOURITE LUNCH AND SNACKS of Plant-Based Doctors" some of which are: "fresh made whole wheat pita chips and humus", "sandwich made with oyl free bread with humus and veggie", " baked sweet potato,"  plus more  YouTube



"The Invisible Vegan Meets10,000 Black Vegan Women!" Interview with Trayce McQuirter author of "By Any Greens Necessary" and Jasmine Leyva one of the creators of the film The Invisible Vegan" 

 "The Invisible Vegan: Racism Within The Food System -- Tracye McQuirter Interview"  YouTube

📽 🎬 🎞🎞🎞🎞📺💻 Link To see the Kenny & Jasmine Leyva film Invisible Vegan Amazon Prime Video

How a Nurse Practitioner Saved Her Health With a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet Link


"Sixty three percent of the U.S. government food subsidies go directly or indirectly to subsidize the meat and dairy industries.

Less than 1 percent goes to fruit and vegetable cultivation. Less than 2 percent goes to nut and legume cultivation."

"America needs to reallocate its food subsides. Now that America is struggling to provide health care for its disadvantaged populations, it is time to focus on the cause of health problems. Poor diet causes problems such as hypertension, heart disease and, most alarmingly, the high rate of obesity and type two diabetes that is increasingly affecting our youth. The better our diet, the healthier we are and the less we will desperately need that health care. Shifting our food subsidies will help ourselves and the environment, and help to safeguard the health and future of the next generation of Americans."

From The Free Press article 


"Are Chili Peppers Good For You?" You betcha! Says Dr.Greger, he shares some research that shows chili peppers to be beneficial. YouTube

Some folks who have injuries that cause swelling in the injured body part do react badly to  eating cayenne,  taking cayenne capsules and rubbing it on in red tiger balm. It's  important to pay attention to that and make sure you aren't experiencing that if you have a injury that includes swelling. Also some folks are allergic to capsaicin. Also  piperine is in all peppers higher possibly in black and white pepper that blocks liver detoxification. 

According to some studies:

Too much capsaicin can cause:


Stomach disorders,

Burning sensationn

Swelling and pain






Link to why you should not take turmeric with black pepper 

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