
CVD Crisis Awareness; Reversal And Prevention Of Cardiovascular Disease 

Diabetes Can Effect Many Parts Of The Body Including The Heart

 "Dr  Michael Greger, MD discusses diabetes and the dangers of low carb diets" YouTube view window below  


How Low Should You Go for Ideal LDL Cholesterol?"  YouTube link 

Clip "Artificial sweeteners may increase risk of diabetes" 

From video lecture "Nutrition and Heart Disease: How to Prevent Against Heart Disease by Kim Williams, M.D., MACC, FAHA" There's so much great info in this lecture. It's pretty much some free education. Some interesting things are said, like becoming vegetarian will lower blood pressure and becoming vegan  can extend life. And it's only the plant based Mediterranean diet will lower risk of heart disease according the documented studies Dr. Kim Williams shares. It animal inclusive  Mediterranean lowered stroke risk but not CVD. 

That's interesting to me but everyone isn't going to become vegan or vegetarian so think it's important to also put efforts into urging food manufacturers to provide healthier no sodium and low sodium choices so that whether someone is a WF plant based eater, vegetarian or meat inclusive eater they can have easy access to healthier selections. There are plant based doctors urging food companies to do this so consumers can join in and urge food companies to make those changes also. This lecture is worth the time it takes to listen to. YouTube link


Is There A Link Between Heart Disease and Gum Disease ?

To date, more than 500 scientific papers have weighed in on the connection between atherosclerosis and gum disease. Officially, the theory remains “biologically plausible" but unproven, according to the American Heart Association’s formal position. Some concepts are undisputed: For one, the microbes that live in the mouth don’t stay in the mouth. The simple act of brushing allows bacteria clinging to the teeth and gums to leak into the bloodstream." Some scientist are still working on proving this and not everyone agrees that toithbrushing gets oral bacteria into other parts of the body, this is also mention in other paragraphs in this article. From the  Science News article: "Gum disease opens up the body to a host of infections" Link to ToothWashHouse pages Link


🥥🥥🥥 "What About Coconuts, Coconut Milk, and Coconut Oil MCTs?" Studies show that it's so high in sat fat that eating some products made from coconuts increases risk of heart disease.  YouTube link

🥬 🥕🍠🥗🥦🍅🍑🍎🍇🤗 Reversing Heart Disease With A Whole Food Plant Based Diet: Interview with Michael Greger  There are studies that show humans have the beginning of heart disease starting at age ten. This a Quote about that from Dr. Greger: "If there is anyone here today over the age of ten, then the question isn't whether or not to eat healthy to prevent heart disease, it is whether or not we want to eat healthy to reverse the heart disease we already have?"  YouTube 


No Oil -- Not Even Olive Oil! - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn MD" he is saving lives with oil free whole foods  Plant-Based nutrition  YouTube

 "Seeds (sunflower,pumpkin, sesame, etc.) Are seeds ok to eat?  "1 -2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds or chia seeds daily for omega 3 are appropriate for everyone to eat including heart patients, if they wish. Some seeds baked in bread or crackers is acceptable. Just don’t eat handfuls." From Dr. Esselstyn's website

🥥🥥 "Coconut Oil and Abdominal Fat" eating 2 tbsp a day of coconut oil increased type 2 diabetes risk. YouTube link


"Don't Be Duped By Bad Science - the scientific studies on oil are gone over in this video PART 1 OF FATS" YouTube


Dr. Baxter Montgomery an African American trailblazer who is healing heart disease in the African American community in Texas with plant based nutrition   Baxter Montgomery"  YouTube


Prevent And Reverse Cardiovascular Disease With Oatmeal and With No Oatmeal?

As I mentioned on another page, there's something for everyone who is into whole foods Plant-Based nutrition. A good example below with Dr. Esselstyn using oatmeal to reverse heart disease and Dr. Montgomery using raw juices. Dr. Montgomery does use  raw whole foods plant based nutrition to maintain health after the raw juice feast. I'm think he might used raw oats after the juice feast but check to make sure. Oatmeal or oat cereal isn't the only way to eat oats, there's a variety of ways to eat oats.

Dr. Montgomery also has a center in Texas where chefs are making whole foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Both Dr Montgomery's dietary plans and Dr. Esselstyn's dietary plans have good results when it comes helping people reverse diseases and maintaining the reversal.



Preventing and reversing heart disease with Oats "The Power of Oats with Dr. Esselstyn, (Daddy)!" YouTube

A Family That Eats Oats Together...Stays Plant-based Together" Dr. Esselstyn's daughter Jane says she doesn't like oatmeal, she likes oats but not that into oatmeal for breakfast  YouTube

Normalize Heart Function And Blood Pressure with raw juice feast, no oatmeal?  It's working for many people who use Dr Montgomery's approach   link

More from Dr. Greger on anyone over the age of ten has the beginning of hardening of the arteries in the heart, link

Dr. Esselstyn answers: Should Seeds, Nuts, Avocados, Olives, Oils Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?" on YouTube


Dr. Braxter Montgomery  "The Power of Plant-Based Eating, raw juices and smoothies reversed heart disease- The Story Behind beyond the script" on YouTube



People Over 60 Shouldn't Take Calicum Supplements But Calcium Supplements Are Okay When Food Manufacturers Added It To Food?

There's been numerous news reports about calcium supplements causing strokes, dementia, heart attacks and more.

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Many people in the United  States are eating lots of food products daily with calcium supplements added to those products. However some of the news reports stated, " we see no problem w/calcium added to food." How odd of a theory to tell people to be careful if they're over 60 about taking calcium supplements but it's okay if its a food manufacturer's calcium added to food. The majority of the healthy centenarians in the blue zones, in Loma Linda, Costa Rica, Okinawa,  Ikeria Sardinia are not eating foods with calcium added. They eat more foods that are high in calcium that naturally occuring in the food.  Something is wrong with the theory that calcium supplements shouldn't be taken by people over 60, but calcium supplements are okay when food manufacturers add them to beverages and food. It's not just people over 60 who should be cautious. Not eating or drinking anything with added calcium supplements might be one of keys to ending heart disease.


Chicory root is a good it's caffeine free, it's a anti-inflammatory, cleanses the liver and it has many other good qualities also.

Life expectancy improves for blacks, and the racial gap is closing, CDC reports "African Americans have made significant gains in life expectancy, and the mortality gap between white and black Americans has been cut in half since 1999." 2017 Washington Post link

2018 Life expectancy drops in the US and the UK, rises in Australia, a new study finds... But the findings are vulnerable they say due to "self-reporting" link

Did You Know About Cardiovascular Disease?

Did You  know

"Anyone over the age of ten who eats the standard American diet has the beginning of hardening of the arteries in the heart." ?

"Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States,..."?


Half of African-Americans have some form of Cardiovascular disease?


"Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most ethnicities in the United States, including African Americans, Hispanics, and European Americans. For American Indians or Alaska Natives and Asians or Pacific Islanders, heart disease is second only to cancer." ?

With new blood pressure guidelines more of us are in the high blood pressure category than before. we need to be lower than 120/80

Our harmful cholesteol needs to be lower than 200 according to some. Dr. Esselstyn says our cholesterol should be lower thsn 150.  However cardiologist Dr. Kim Williams got concerned when his cholesterol was 175 he says he lowered it to 90. He says he checked out sweeteners from a friend's list even though he doesn't use sweeteners Yacon is the best one he's seen so far. It's the only one that didn't cause weight gain. He said people lost weight using it. 



There are many testimonies from people who are having good results with reversing a variety of illnesses with eating good foods with no meat.

       The chances of people having a 2nd heart attack if they had one is high  according to several experts and the current recommended popular  food guidelines are not taking heart disease off the list as a number one cause of hurt in the United States. The science of/the results some doctors are getting with eating patterns mentioned by Dr. Kim Williams, Dr. Greger, Dr. Esselstyn and others are important pieces to the solution.

What these doctors are doing is causing people get off prescription drugs. Drugs that weren't reversing heart disease or lowering blood pressure. But the change in diet did help their bodies reverse those things.

Some people are eating more vegan meals based on the science of it. The science that shows many plants have no saturated fats or low saturated fats and zero cholesterol. The science of what eating a lot of what has no cholesterol and none of the things has cholesterol or saturated fat that tells your liver to make more bad cholesterol, the science of that is amazing. Link to Dr. Esselstyn Cured a Professor's heart disease, here

High blood pressure and high harmful LDL cholestrol can increase risk of cardiovascular disease.  1 to 2 Tbsp of ground flax seeds a day is said to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. 1 tblsp is easier to eat/good over oatmeal, it's also easy to eat/good in smoothies.

Herb Research Suggestion

* Eleuthero also called Siberian ginseng is said to raise blood pressure it is in several products including some natural vitamin and mineral supplements.* Read about it.

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