
 Welcome to my Health Interest webpage 

This is some information I think everyone will enjoy knowing

Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic & Possibly More in Dinnerware?

"Large cereal bowls – nicked from a college cafeteria c. 2002: 31,900 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]"  Link to Lead Safe Mama: This website has helpful info about lead on dinnerware plus more  Link to written articles. Link to: YouTube "Lead, cadmium and arsenic (oh my!) in vintage Pyrex mugs and tea cups" Link

Lead: "For adults, chronic lead exposure is associated with kidney dysfunction, high blood pressure, and neurocognitive effects." Link

Milwaukee's Radical Solution to America's Clean Water Crisis Lead Water Pipes video clip from the  More Perfect Union channel YouTube view window below 

This is some information I think everyone will enjoy knowing


Are There Any People Who Are Completely Vegan And WFPB  In The US?

For those of us who eat or tried to eat Whole Food Plant Based(WFPB) and those who call themselves vegan are we really doing that? Because the majority if not all of the organic veggies and fruits in the markets are grown in organic fertilizer that is not plant based. They have ingredients like bone meal and dolmic limestone both of these are known to be high in lead. They have alot more animal ingredients as well I only named two. After reading the ingredients on several brands of organic fertilizers I don't think it's possible for anyone to eat completely free of meat. But we will still try. When it to what we eat directly. Instead eating the meat that eats the plants we're eating the plants that eat the animal parts. Another topic that's interesting is the research done on adding Black Seed powder /Nigella Sativa to garden soil helps lessen plants absorption of cadmium, this study was done on contaminated soil, so imagine what it could do to help clean up organic soil that has small amounts of heavy metals that farmers would like to get rid of and I think it’s a possibility that adding garlic powder to garden soil or garden tea you make to add to water for your veggies can help plants not absorb heavy metals and help extract heavy metals from the plants if they've absorbed any before you started something like this. There are studies showing that planting garlic  with other veggies helps them absorb less heavy metals.  That's great news great news!

Reference articles

"Foliar application of seed water extract of Nigella sativa improved maize growth in cadmium-contaminated soil" Research study "Foliar application of seed water extract of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) can mitigate the adverse impacts of Cd-toxicity in plants through its rich antioxidants." Link

"Garlic (Allium sativum) based interplanting alters the heavy metals absorption and bacterial diversity in neighboring plants" This study is about interplanting with garlic. I don't  have a reference for adding garlic  powder water for garden helping to remove heavy metals yet. Link


Other Sources of Acetic Acid Instead Of  Vinegar

For those who cannot use vinegar here are some other sources of Acetic acid: apples, grapes, pineapple, strawberries, and oranges. So putting some diced up apples on your salad, on your  steamed greens or eating apple slices before a meal is a very good thing in terms of activating the nitrate in the greens it helps the body have healthy levels of nitric oxide and that  helps clean our arteries. 


⚠️ Carob: be careful with it

I mentioned Carob and shared  links to articles  stating its health benefits for the brain. I have been looking for info about test on carob for heavy metals. This link is to a document from a study done at the L-Università ta' Malta, Italy. It shows the heavy metals test results for carob: carob has high levels of heavy metals. Link, this link downloads as a pdf

I think the carob tested was grown in the Mediterranean I'm  sure if the results apply to the carob grown in California and Australia and else where, like it does with chocolate. Lead and arsenic levels are lower in the chocolate that from trees grown in Ivory Coast of Africa and higher in the chocolate produced from trees in the Americas. 


Cookware which is the safest? Aluminum water bottles ..... why you should never use aluminum foil for ham in a metal pan in the fridge. Why you should never use cast iron cookware for frying  ... YouTube view window below 


"Living into your 90s" approx 19:44 into this video the Doctor conducting a aging study says older people 90 and over with  high blood pressure have less strokes. I personally don't think it's good for anyone to have their blood pressure at dangerously high levels. So it's good to be careful with it. YouTube View window below

When I saw that info about BP in the video mentioned above I remembered its was mentioned in another study, scientist say that high blood pressure was found in the centenarians in one of  the Blue Zones in Sardinia,Italy. I'm glad i noticed a connection  in these research studies.

This is the video about the study of the people in the blue zones. Video summary below

Updated July/ 8/2024🍇🥬🥦🥗🍉🍈🍍🍒🫐🍎 "German and Italian scientist study people in the blue zones."  Approx 11:42 high blood pressure in centenarians Approx 14:07 they talk about microcirculation and how they believe this is part of the key to their longevity, when the hormone adrenomedullin is very low it men the microcirculation is very good. One of the doctors featured also says as they aged they don't need glasses or hearing aides. That's amazing that they don't  have macular degeneration or a need for cataract surgery as they get older. It's a great video to watch again if you've already watch, I learn something new every time I watch it. They are not plant based or vegetarian but they eat 85 to 90% veggies and fruit and 10 to 15% neat dairy and cheese, some wine and a some desserts.

Some of the researchers on the topic of the blue zones state that in Sardinia, Italy many of the men are walking alot herding sheep, some are tending vineyards etc.

   Okinawa some of the women are walking up steep terrain to grow & work gardens. Due to the steeps in some neighbors they grow these community gardens in shared steep terrain. Some folks in Okinawa do eat meat but, when they eat pork, they boil it for a long time and dump that water and then cook meals with that pork. That get rid of alot of pork fat so their eating far less cholesterol in their pork. 

In Costa Rica some of the blue zone folks are cattle ranchers, some of the others have disabilities and aren't as active. In many of the blue zones people are doing things that are part of their lifestyle not due to gym memberships, but when you don't have access to that lifestyle people figure out other ways and some times that includes a gym memberships everyone has to work with what they can do and have access everyone doesn't  have access to gym memberships or do we in that environment. So again every thing doesn't work for everyone.

YouTube view window below 


Prevention of Macular Degeneration With Diet Nutrition Facts Dr. Greger

Doctor Greger shares information about a study that showed as little as 15 goji berries a day protected the eyes. He says one of the best ways to eat them  is with a few nuts. YouTube view window below 

I don't usually write about meat because I don't eat it much, I've eaten animal flesh once in the last 5 years. But I know and care about lots of folks who love to eat chicken and also eggs.

So I researched some info about Ayam Cemani/Chicken Completely Black, it is said to be  higher in protein and lower in fat & higher antioxidants than the common chicken people eat  according to some researchers. They are also smaller. Maybe they are smaller because people aren't  breeding them to have breast so huge they can barely walk like some the commercial chicken farmers do. Maybe some of the caring chicken farmers will get more black chickens so people can have a choice to eat chicken with lower cholesterol and more antioxidants. Some folks say they taste the same as the common chicken people are use to and others say it has a wild game taste. These chickens are said to be more resistant to infections. Some folks charge 49 bucks for a live one and $14 for hatching eggs. These price quote are old, so it might be more. They are discriminated against by some folks, like other black animals including dogs & cats.

"Ayam Cemani, also known as black chicken. The main characteristic of this breed is that the body, both internally and externally, is entirely black. This is due to a accumulation of melanin pigment in body tissues. In addition to this, Ayam Cemani meat results to be also higher in protein content and lower in fat. Moreover, Ayam Cemani meat is also known to have antioxidant and glucose-binding capacities. "

Storing Ginger

I got great results when I froze the fresh ginger root. I love making ginger tea, putting some in smoothies etc. So I decided to try freezing it. I washed it thoroughly peeled it when necessary to remove any spots that were drying out to much. Then I chopped up some and just broke some into big chunks and then I put it in a plastic bag then in the freezer. After it froze I took some out a few days later to make tea. With a good knife it was easy to slice up the bigger chunks and put it in the pot with boiling water for ten to fifteen minutes then steeping it with the burner off and lid on for another 25 to 20 minutes.  The tea came out great, as I mentioned before in some of my writings about ginger tea, I enjoy it with some organic westlife unsweetened soymilk, their plain or vanilla are both tasty with ginger fresh root tea. I can get a few pots of tea with one batch of sliced or chopped up ginger with this cooking method.

Now I can store my fresh ginger root for a little longer.

⚠️ check out what WebMD has to say about ginger it can be harmful if it's used while taking  some medications.⚠️ Link webmd also has a write up about some of the benefits of ginger and lemon tea Link

Cooking Black Beans And Pinto Beans

I got very good tender beans in a shorter cooking time when I soaked my beans for 24 hours. It not only lessen cooking time it helped the beans absorb the seasonings even more when I cooked them a little longer after they were tender. Cook 2 cups of Black beans or pinto beans or do a combo of those two beans soaked for 24 hours with 1 chopped medium onion and a pinch of dulce seaweed powder as well the cumin powder. I like to add  black cumin and brown cumin powder a teaspoon of each and I like to add garlic, sometimes I add some organic salt free chili powder. Its stove top beans that taste like they were cooked in a crock pot or pressure cooker very tender and yummy. And best of all it makes them easier to digest.

*** 🥬 I apologize for the writing errors that I've missed, we'll keep looking to find them. Thank you for your patience.***🥦 


In 2004, researchers at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute published a study in The American Journal of Public Health concluding that 150,000 lives could be saved annually if sodium levels in packaged and restaurant foods were cut in half." NyTimes article: War Over Salt 2006

Soy Sauce and Bragg Aminos: I've  noticed both are high in sodium. Soy sauce is made with added salt Bragg Aminos are said to be made with no salt added. As of now there is no company offering soy sauce or similar produce that is no sodium or very low sodium like, 50 mg or 100 mg per 1 tbsp serving most 1000 per serving or at least in the hundreds. Be careful with these. 

Started May 2018

Updated March/2024

No added salt?  Opinions and Research

Myth: consumers don't want less salt in food,  that's why food manufacturers add in so much salt.

Fact: "An AHA survey found that about three-quarters of adults in the U.S. prefer less sodium in processed and restaurant foods." link

Myth: Eating foods with no added salt will cause a sodium deficiency 

Fact: Whole Foods contain naturally occuring sodium, look at veggies, a cup of kale greens has 18mg of naturally occurring sodium, 1 cup of raw beet root has 106mg of naturally occurring sodium, look at fruit:a medium sized apple has 1.8mg of naturally  occurring sodium. Whole grains, veggies and fruits all have naturally occurring sodium so not adding salt to plant based whole foods will not cause a sodium deficiency. 

Sodio/Sodium Reduction?

Salt intake related illnesses are a crisis in the United States some folks say it is a worldwide problem. In the U.S. it is said half of African-Americans have heart diseases and with the new blood pressure guidelines more African Americans have  high rates of high blood pressure 59 percent of African-American men, it's a health crisis not only in the African  population but in all races, it's not only a crisis in the United States but in other countries also.

Due to the crisis more people are interested in buying foods with no added SOS, salt, oil, or sugar.

They're interested in supporting food manufacturers and resturants that provide  no added salt, oil, or sugar food products and restuarant entrees that taste good. Generally whole foods taste good, we can use herbs to enhance their flavors it can be done without added salt, oil and sugar.

Especially with the facts presented in news reports concerning the leading cause of preventable deaths is diet. High Blood pressure is connected to added salt to food. This is something people can help change. A meal high in salt impairs artery function shortly after the meal is eaten.

Endothelial function is impaired after a high-salt meal in healthy subjects

the typical amount of salt consumed in a commonly eaten meal, can significantly suppress brachial artery FMD within 30 min. These results suggest that high salt intakes have acute adverse effects on vascular dilatation in the postprandial state." Pub Link


Remember:  "An AHA survey found that about three-quarters of adults in the U.S. prefer less sodium in processed and restaurant foods." link

Confusing Messages to the public about salt:

From the the U.S. Department of Agriculture: "For most people ages 14 years and older, sodium intake should not exceed 2,300 mg/day." USDA link

From the Food and Drug Administration: "middle-aged and older adults should limit intake to 1,500 mg of sodium per day." FDA link

Salt and Older Adults Research

This study on salt intake in older adults suggesting a low salt diet it better for older adults  was published over a year after the Time Magazine article about older adults can have more salt than previously thought. Also in the news after the Time Magazine article   was statements about research studies showing  African Americans to be more sensitive to high salt diets.

This study says high salt in older adults isn't good. link

🤓Sodium Added To Water

Many folks suggest adding salt to water to fix a dehydration and electrolyte  problem. And many folks warn against adding salt to water.

"Drinking salt  water dehydrates cells, causes inflammation and can cause death. For fixing dehydration: drinking enough water daily at the correct temperature based on the season will help with that.

Some folks say adding fresh lemon juice to water will fix a dehydration and electrolyte problem  or lemongrass tea will also help  fix a dehydration problem and help with many other things also,"

link to why we shouldn't drink  salt water, link

Link to the many benefits of lemon juice in water, Use a reusable straw to protect teeth and gums wait 30 minutes to an hour before brushing teeth. link  

Health effects of on African Salt Miners link

We should get our minerals from foods especially fruits and veggies including the electrolytes. Throughout the ages humans haven't relied on water for this they've gotten that from food ].🤓

Everyone doesn't agree with their statements about salt in water.


Older Adults Store More Sodium/Careful Not to Allow To Much To  Build Up

Our bodies don't eliminate salt as easy as it did when people were younger we have to be careful about sodium it will store up in our bodies. And don't under estimate the body storing up salt/sodium added to water for taste, companies that do add sodium get to say "not a significant source of salt if it is less than 1 gram, some companies that add sodium to water don't say anything like that. They just list on the label that they add sodium.

"it just taste bland with no salt" is even said not only about food but water also, how odd. We need water to flush the out the excess sodium and waste from our body. And when people have  inflammatory conditions  they don't  want to drink salt in water.

Salt added to Processed Plant-Based Protein

Saying it's lower in salt, sugar and fat than a regular hot dog and it's a vegan dog doesn't  mean it us always better. For one vegan plant meat hot dogs often are not that much lower in salt or oil free. These products are NOT  helpful to people who want and or need no added salt, oil or sugar options. Many people have left the topic and product in the store on the shelves and are making their organic plant based hot  dogs out of baked carrots, and their plant based burgers with bean, veggies and other plants with no salt added and some with a tiny amount of salt added, that's their solution. Because the food companies are not lower salt content enough.

Please read about everything mentioned on my webpages  for yourself.

Some times eating low or NO sodium is currently easier said than done for many people. We can do it with practice.

  Until there's more changes and more products with no sodium, sugar or fats added some folks refuse eat or buy those,  the more folks join those types of efforts the bigger message it sends to the food manufacturers.

*** 🥬 I apologize for the writing errors that I've missed, we'll keep looking to find them. Thank you for your patience.***🥦



Encourage and Request  More no salt added no added sugar, no added oil food products.

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